Tiny battlefields

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Fighting polio

Poliomyelitis, better known as polio, is a crippling virus that can lead to paralysis or even death. A childhood vaccination program had diminished the incidence of polio worldwide to the point that scientists thought they had beaten it. They were wrong. Polio appears to be on the rise again.
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Fighting malaria

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites and spread by mosquitoes. Especially dangerous to children, it's the cause of 1 million deaths annually. This thought-provoking book answers questions including what it's like to contract malaria, the efforts and goals of medical and scientific community to both prevent and treat the disease.
Cover image of Fighting malaria

Fighting the flu

With an estimated 3 to 5 million cases of the flu reported each year and more than 250,000 of those resulting in death, the flu virus remains a must-know topic. While each patient's body fights the invading virus, scientists are looking for ways to boost immune systems and even eradicate strains.
Cover image of Fighting the flu

Fighting AIDS

AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is the infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV attacks the immune system, sometimes with fatal consequences. Though the first reported case was only in 1959, an estimated 40 million people now live with AIDS or HIV.
Cover image of Fighting AIDS

Fighting polio

Discusses polio, covering how the virus spreads, the effect of vaccinations, and raising awareness.

Fighting smallpox

Discusses smallpox, covering vaccinations, inoculation, and the possibility of its return.

Fighting cancer

Cancer is a global killer. Besides causes and preventions, this thorough look at the disease also includes information about genetic screening and treatments. It answers questions such as what chemotherapy does and what alternatives are available for cancer treatments.
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