Preller, James

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National Football League megastars

Profiles fourteen NFL stars, providing statistics, unique facts, and color photos.

Before you go

a novel
Sixteen-year-old Jude Fox gets his first job, falls in love, and starts breaking away from his parents, but an accident that happened seven years earlier haunts him and his family.

National Football League Superstars

Profiles, Photos, Fun Facts, and Stats of 14 NFL Superstars!

The case of the rainy day mystery

Young sleuth Jigsaw Jones investigates when Bigs Maloney loses interest in all the fun things he used to do.

NBA action from A to Z

Young readers learn the alphabet through photographs and brief text about the action and players of the NBA.

Six innings

a game in the life
Earl Grubb's Pool Supplies plays Northeast Gas & Electric in the Little League championship game, while Sam, who has cancer and is in a wheelchair, has to call the play-by-play instead of participating in the game.

Before You Go

A Novel
Jude's house is kept dark, and no one talks much. It's been that way since his little sister drowned in a swimming pool seven years ago when Jude was supposed to be watching her. This summer he gets his first job, falls in love for the first time, and starts to break away from his parents. And then, life spins out of control. Again.

A pirate's guide to recess

It's time for recess, and the schoolyard is teeming with young pirates ready for action.

I scream, you scream!

Amusement park-loving Samantha receives a ticket to a very special ride that takes her on a heart-stopping adventure along with her equally terrified companion.

The big book of picture-book authors & illustrators

Brief biographies provide insight into the lives, work, inspiration and creative process of 75 favorite childrens authors and illustrators.


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