southern states

Geographic Name
southern states

Stories, essays & memoir

Presents the collected short stories of twentieth-century American writer Eudora Welty, and includes a selection of nine literary and personal essays, as well as a memoir of the author's childhood.

The sound and the fury

the corrected text
The members of a genteel southern family are portrayed as petty failures, drunkards, suicides, pathological perverts, and idiots.

The wedding dress

Julia and Victoria, barely married before their husbands joined the Confederate Army, decide to bring some cheer into their home by making a wedding dress for their seventeen-year-old sister Claire Atwater, even though she has no intended groom, which becomes a beacon of hope and faith for the three young women.

The Southern colonies

the quest for prosperity, 1600-1700
Examines the early colonization of the southern colonies and discusses Roanoke, the Virginia Company and the Jamestown settlement, and further growth in Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia as well as biographical sketches of important people.

Freedom riders

1961 and the struggle for racial justice
Presents a comprehensive study of the 1961 Freedom Rides from Washington DC to the deep south that challenged the segregated transit laws, and describes the brutal confrontation between the riders and the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama and Mississippi.

The heart is a lonely hunter

A deaf-mute who has lost his only friend to a hospital for the insane becomes the recipient of the confidences of several other town residents.

Whistling past Dixie

how Democrats can win without the South
The author proposes a series of strategies that Democrats should consider in order to gather the votes outside of the formally solid Democratic South.

To kill a mockingbird

Eight-year-old "Scout" Finch tells of life in a small Alabama town where her father is a lawyer.

A heart divided

When sixteen-year-old Kate, an aspiring playwright, moves from New Jersey to attend high school in the South, she becomes embroiled in a controversy to remove the school's Confederate flag symbol.

African American southerners in slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction

Examines the firsthand accounts of African-Americans, as well as other period sources, to present overviews of African-American daily life and culture during the last decades of slavery and during Reconstruction, including a special section on the Civil War.


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