Kidd, Rob

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Jack Sparrow: Silver


Based on the earlier life of the character, Jack Sparrow, created for the theatrical motion picture.

Jack Sparrow

Pirates of the Caribbean

Adventure seeking teenager Jack Sparrow has assembled a motley crew, and they're on the quest of a lifetime.

La tormenta que se avecina

Teenaged pirate Jack Sparrow and his crew are after the legendary Sword of Cortes, which will grant them unimaginable power.

El canto de las sirens

Teenaged pirate Jack Sparrow finds that his crew has come under the power of an ethereal song and are being lead away from the Sword of Cortes.

Wild waters

While on Libertalia, Jack, his crew, some old friends, and his family help to overthrow the evil King Samuel.

Rising in the East

Soothsayer Tia Dalma calls on Captain Jack Sparrow to join the Pirate Lords Mistress Chong and Sao Feng in an attempt to conquer the East India Trading Company, who have built an army to destroy the Pirate Lords and their Shadow Master.

The Caribbean

Tia Dalma sends Jack Sparrow on a mission to recover the the mysterious shadow gold, a special metal that grants the Lord of Shadows extraordinary power.


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