Fromm, Megan

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Student journalism & media literacy

Teaches high school students about journalism and media literacy.

Accuracy in media

Explores what it takes to be a professional journalist that is trusted for accuracy in reporting, and examines how to spot reputable news sites.

Gathering and sharing digital information

Explores how the field of journalism has changed dramatically with the digital revolution, and examines the current role of a journalist.

Digital content creation

An introduction to online news sites, covering how to distinguish between traditional news organizations, news aggregators, blogs, and personal websites, editing digital content, hyperlocal news, homepage management, online communities, and more.

Privacy and digital security

Explores online privacy and security, including encryption and hacking, and contains an interview with a cybersecurity expert.

How policy and profit shape content

Explores the profit models in news, and examines how money can influence reporting and public opinion.

Privacy and digital security

"In the digital age, journalists have to be concerned about privacy and security like never before. This book teaches students of media about this brave new world. Journalists today need to protect their information and sources in unprecedented ways. Readers also learn how data encryption works. When using the Internet to do research, there’s always the potential for hacking. Finally, an interview with cyber security expert Brock Wood gives readers a sense of real-world threats to their privacy and security. This book is an indispensable resource to students of journalism in a cyber world."--Publisher description.

Ethics and digital citizenship

Discusses the importance of responsible reporting of the news and how the Internet and social media provide access to and interaction with what is going on in the world.

Digital content creation

An introduction to online news sites, covering how to distinguish between traditional news organizations, news aggregators, blogs, and personal websites, editing digital content, hyperlocal news, homepage management, online communities, and more.

Accuracy in media

"Now that anyone with a keyboard and an Internet connection can be a virtual journalist, a growing concern among professionals is accuracy in reporting. This book asks what exactly does it take to become a professional journalist and which ones should readers trust. It also teaches readers to spot reputable news sites and look skeptically at others for political bias or misinformation. Other questions include the ethics behind the growing use of anonymous sources and the ability to hide one's digital identity. This book cuts straight to the heart of the most important rule in journalism: getting the story right"--Provided by the publisher.


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