O'Mara, John

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The civil rights movement

"The rights of a nation's citizens are civil rights. In the 1950s and 1960s, Black Americans organized a movement to demand these rights, including equal education, the right to vote, and many other freedoms. This . . . volume takes readers through the key events of the movement, including its victories and disappointments. Central figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X are featured, and a timeline helps readers understand the movement's progression"--Provided by publisher.

How does a thermometer work?

When we're checking thermometers to see what the temperature is outside, inside, or our own body temperature, we rarely think about what makes the thermometer function. This amazing, reliable invention is attributed to Galileo. Readers will learn about the first mercury thermometers and how they work and they'll review the digital models they may be more familiar with today. Many important science concepts are presented along with beneficial photographs and images to support reading comprehension.

What makes a rainbow appear?

Rainbows are those rare phenomena that make people stop and appreciate the beauty of nature. Why and how they appear are the high-interest topics of this accessible book. While readers will be captivated by beautiful color photographs of rainbows, they'll also be intrigued by the properties of light that make such a display possible. A concluding diagram reinforces comprehension of the key concepts, which relate closely to elementary science curricula.


Describes the habitats, physical characteristics, and behavior of the wolverine.
Cover image of Wolverines


Wolverines are full of nasty surprises. Not only does this rough, tough predator have razor-sharp claws, incredibly strong jaws, and killer senses of smell and hearing, it can also release a very potent "stink bomb" to scare away its enemies! Wolverines spend most of their time trying to fill their bellies, though. These ferocious mammals are built to survive in their northern habitats. Readers will enjoy this entertaining account of wolverines in the wild, full of hair-raising facts and stunning action photographs.

Red devil squid

Red devil squid have a forbidding name for a reason. They can be pretty scary to their prey, ripping them apart with their incredibly sharp beak! Also called jumbo squid because of their size, these aggressive mollusks are effective predators with some terrifying body parts. An eye as large as a pool ball, eight arms with up to 200 suckers, and two very long barbed tentacles prepare red devil squid for the hunt in the deep, dark ocean. Readers will feel like marine biologists as they learn even more fascinating facts about these fierce and fascinating ocean beasts. - Provided by publisher.


Mongooses, with their long body, short legs, and pointy snouts, are cute furry animals, unless you're an enemy. Then, it doesn't matter how dangerous the situation, they aren't afraid to fight. Mongooses are famous for going head-to-head with venomous king cobras and adders! Readers will discover the adaptations that equip mongooses for these battles, including lightning-quick reflexes and razor-sharp teeth. They'll also learn some odd quirks about some mongoose species, such as how they crack open eggs by throwing them at rocks. A habitat map, graphic organizer, and photographs of mongooses in action will make readers feel like mongoose experts.


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