AVp2s fiction readalong

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Captain Bling's Christmas plunder

"Captain Bling and his merry pirate crew have found the ultimate treasure at the North Pole, and Santa must parley with the pirates to save Christmas"--Provided by publisher.

The Nian monster

"The legendary Nian monster has returned at Chinese New Year. Nian is intent on devouring Shanghai, starting with young Xingling! But Xingling is clever and thinks quickly to outwit him with Chinese New Year traditions"--Provided by publisher.

From apple trees to cider, please!

"Grab the wagon, it's a bright autumn day and the trees are full of ripe, red apples! There's an apple festival underway at the farm and lots of work to do making cider. This visit finishes with a cider doughnut and a cup of freshly pressed cider"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of From apple trees to cider, please!

Mary had a little lab

"Hoping for a friend, Mary invents a way to make a sheep, but when she starts making sheep for her new friends, chaos abounds"--Provided by publisher.

Adventures with dinosaurs

A young boy looks for dinosaurs and learns facts about them.

Is it Hanukkah yet?

"From snow on the ground to making applesauce and latkes to lighting the menorah, this story shows the seasonal and traditional ways we know Hanukkah is on its way"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Is it Hanukkah yet?

When Christmas feels like home

When his family moves from a small Mexican village to North Carolina, Eduardo asks how soon he will feel at home, and slowly his Tio Miguel's seemingly impossible replies come true until, at last, he can put out the Nativity scene he carved with his grandfather.
Cover image of When Christmas feels like home

These bees count!

The bees at the Busy Bee Farm buzz through the sky as one big swarm, fly over two waving dandelions, find three wild strawberries dripping tasty nectar As the children in Mr. Tate's class listen, they learn how bees work to produce honey and make food and flowers grow. Bees count--they're important to us all.
Cover image of These bees count!

Trick arrr treat

a pirate halloween
"Swashbuckling trick-or-treaters stomp and clomp through their neighhborhood in search of treasure--aka Halloween candy--but they must be back before dark, because the pirate chief's mom said so"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Trick arrr treat

Hello, I am Charlie! from London

Charlie takes the reader on a tour of London, where he lives.


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