Saunders-Smith, Gail

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Animals in the Fall


Photographs and simple text follow the life cycle of sunflowers from seeds to flowers to seeds again.
Cover image of Sunflowers

Animals in the fall

Simple text and photographs present the behavior changes of animals as winter approaches, such as growing thicker fur, migrating, and hibernating.
Cover image of Animals in the fall


Half for you half for me

The ultimate guided reading how-to book

building literacy through small-group instruction
Explains how children learn to read and presents techniques for teaching children of all reading proficiency levels in small groups, moving away from rigid ability-based groups and focusing on more flexible criteria for group formation.
Cover image of The ultimate guided reading how-to book

The supermarket

A supermarket is made up of many different departments. Find out more about the supermarket inside this book.
Cover image of The supermarket

The Doctor's Office (Field Trips)

Many different people work in a doctor's office. Find out more about the doctor's office inside this book.
Cover image of The Doctor's Office (Field Trips)


Animals in the Fall


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