Conspiracies and cover-ups

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Project disclosure

revealing government secrets and breaking the truth embargo
"Anyone interested in UFO phenomena will be captivated by this extensive account of the history of UFO sightings and what can happen once the existence of aliens on Earth is finally revealed, an event the authors feel is sure to happen very soon. Authors Dolan and Zabel, both respected UFOlogists, detail what will happen A.D. (After Disclosure) including how both governments and people will respond to the confirmation that we are not alone in the universe. This book is a goose bump-raising thrill ride, one sure to provoke thought, spark debate, and entertain in equal measure"--Provided by the publisher.

Ancient aliens

close encounters with human history
"Ancient civilizations generated many innovations that are difficult to explain, such as the remarkable mathematical accuracy of the pyramids of Giza, the man-made fertile soil of the Amazon known as terra preta, and massive stone monuments too heavy to move in Peru and Lebanon, among other places. Given that modern science cannot explain these mysterious phenomena, one theory holds that ancient aliens were responsible for them. This volume examines the credibility of various paranormal hypotheses, giving readers the opportunity to explore the greatest puzzles of antiquity"--Provided by the publisher.

Making contact

alien abduction case studies
"Although often dismissed as the stuff of tabloids, there are those who maintain that alien abduction is a real danger that many on Earth have already faced. In this volume, two dedicated UFO researchers partner up to present the mysterious alien encounters experienced by their families and others like them, pointing to gaps in government reporting and highlighting as yet unexplained phenomena related to their experiences. The authors encourage readers to keep an open mind as they seek to dispel the skepticism and stigma surrounding the reporting of such incidences while encouraging others to share their stories"--Provided by the publisher.

Top secret government archives

missing files and conspiracy paper trails
Explores the topic of the classified files that government agencies choose not to release under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act.
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