
Topical Term

Fall holidays

Text and photographs look at the season of fall.

Fall food

Simple text and color photographs introduce fall food.

Fall animals

Describes common animal activities in the fall.

Fall adventures

Text and photographs look at activities during the season of fall.

Diversi?n en el clima de oto?o

Simple text and colorful illustrations depict signs of fall including shorter days and cooler weather. Includes critical thinking questions and a glossary.

Diversi?n con las hojas de oto?o

Simple text and illustrations celebrate all the typical scenes and changes that come to the world in the fall season, from apple orchards and pumpkin patches, and colorful, crunchy falling leaves. Includes a glossary.

Diversi?n con la cosecha de oto?o

Simple text and colorful illustrations show the different foods that are grown in the spring and summer, and harvested in the fall like apples and pumpkins. Also discusses harvest festivals around the world. Includes critical thinking questions and a glossary.

Diversi?n con calabazas en oto?o

Illustrates how children plant pumpkins seeds, care for the plants all summer, and then harvest the pumpkins in the fall for pumpkin pie and jack-o'-lanterns. Includes color photographs, facts about pumpkins, critical thinking questions, a glossary, and further resources.

Diversi?n con animales en oto?o

Simple text and colorful illustrations show the ways different animals behave in the fall season and prepare for winter. Includes critical thinking questions and a glossary.

Autumn is for apple pie

Skunk decides to use the apples he picked to bake a pie, but he will need help--and other ingredients--from Raccoon and their friends.


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