Earth's highest places / Griffin, Mary

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Earth's highest places

Explores what it is like to stand at the top of Mount Everest, providing stats on how high the mountain is and where it is located. Includes a discussion of whether or not Everest is really the highest point on Earth, comparing it with Hawaii's Mauna Kea and Ecuador's Mount Chimborazo.

Earth's highest places

For those who have ever wondered what it's like to stand on top of Mount Everest, this attention-grabbing book is the closest way to visit the world's highest places without getting vertigo. But readers will be surprised to learn that the label "highest place on Earth" is a controversial one. They'll find out about the contenders for the prize, including Mount Everest, Hawaii's Mauna Kea, and Ecuador's Mount Chimborazo. They'll also travel to some jaw-dropping tall buildings around the world. Beautiful, vivid photographs give readers a true sense of what it would be like to visit these unique sites.
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