"A young fish confidently begins his first day of school, but soon faces fear, anger, and other emotions by counting to ten, thinking of calm seas, and making a new friend"--Provided by publisher.
Mr. Fish recalls how, on his very first day of school, he anxiously went to one classroom after another watching students do things he could not, until Miss Hewitt showed him to the room that was right for beginners.
Maud gets nervous while sitting in the doctor's office, but when she pretends she is one of the fish in the waiting room, her checkup--and shot--are over in no time. Includes note to caregivers.
Fizz, an undead goldfish that was flushed down the toilet, pesters Joe into helping him discover who his killer was before any of his fellow fish meet a similar fate.
"A group of fish plays follow the leader in the ocean ... Count the fish from one to ten as each joins the game, then count back down to one when the leader gulps a sea spider and sets off an unfortunate chain reaction (swallow the leader!)"--Provided by publisher.
"Through rhyme and mixed-media collage illustrations, 'rain fish'--the varied, colorful, and unique little collections of materials that float along on streams of rain water during storms--come to life"--Provided by publisher.
This is a colorful collection for all little Pout-Pout fans. With tabbed edges and fun flaps to lift on each page, kids will be thrilled to discover the world of the Pout-Pout fish.