body, mind & spirit / meditation

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body, mind & spirit / meditation

Forest bathing

how trees can help you find health and happiness
"The definitive guide to the therapeutic Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, or the art and science of how trees can promote health and happiness Notice how a tree sways in the wind. Run your hands over its bark. Take in its citrusy scent. As a society we suffer from nature deficit disorder, but studies have shown that spending mindful, intentional time around trees--what the Japanese call shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing--can promote health and happiness. In this beautiful book--featuring more than 100 color photographs from forests around the world, including the forest therapy trails that criss-cross Japan--Dr. Qing Li, the world's foremost expert in forest medicine, shows how forest bathing can reduce your stress levels and blood pressure, strengthen your immune and cardiovascular systems, boost your energy, mood, creativity, and concentration, and even help you lose weight and live longer. Once you've discovered the healing power of trees, you can lose yourself in the beauty of your surroundings, leave everyday stress behind, and reach a place of greater calm and wellness"--.

The mindful way through stress

the proven 8-week path to health, happiness, and well-being
"Take a deep breath. Feeling less stressed already? Bestselling author Shamash Alidina shows just how simple it is to master the proven techniques of mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) in Whatever the source of stress--work pressures, dealing with difficult people, financial strains, or family demands--mindfulness offers new tools for remaining calm in challenging situations and attaining a new level of physical and emotional well being. In as little as 10 minutes a day over 8 weeks, the reader is taken step by step through a carefully structured sequence of guided meditations and easy yoga exercises "--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The mindful way through stress


how I learned to satisfy my insatiable hunger and feed my soul
"...The true, poignant story of one woman's spiritual journey as she recovers from anorexia, eases the emotional pain of her hunger through yoga and Buddhism, and finally becomes full..."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Full

The joy of half a cookie

using mindfulness to lose weight and end the struggle with food
"Provides simple, proven ways to lose weight and keep it off, using what we now know about the power of the mind... delivers a proven way to find peace of mind and a healthier relationship with food, for life"--Provided by publisher.

Buddha's book of meditation

mindfulness practices for a quieter mind, self-awareness, and healthy living
"...Offering tips, techniques, and practices from mindfulness meditation--coupled with stories from the author's life as a teacher--"Buddha's Book of Meditation" guides you to a life teeming with the benefits of regular meditation practice"--Provided by publisher.

The science and practice of humility

the path to ultimate freedom
Integrates classic teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Hermeticism to explain the science of humility as practiced by the ancient masters.
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