Pagnol, Marcel

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Jean de Florette ; Manon of the spring

Manon of the spring: Ten years after her father's death, Manon has no idea that her neighbor Cesar Soubeyran cheated her out of her father's land. But when Manon discovers that Soubeyran was directly responsible for her father's death, she goes after him with a vengeance.

La gloire de mon p?re

souvenirs d'enfance
An autobiographical portrait of the author's childhood growing up in Marseilles, France, at the turn of the century. Recounts his trips to the family vacation home in Provence, the times he spent exploring the countryside, and his reminiscences of his boisterous brother.

Le ch?teau de ma m?re

souvenirs d'enfance
The second volume of the author's childhood memories. Marcel is nine years old and vacationing in Provence with his family. Marcel meets Lili, a girl from town who knows every inch of the land and helps him set traps for hunting. Marcel's friendship with Lili makes him the happiest he has ever been. When the vacation nears its end, Marcel and Lili find a small cave for him to hide in so he does not have to leave her.
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