Age of revolution

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The Russian Revolution

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Explores the Russian Revolution, Communism, and the economic, political, and military events surrounding the revolution.

Revolution and independence in Latin America

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Explores the revolutions, their historical causes, and the new nations' ensuing struggles, providing invaluable context for understanding the culture, politics, and social identity of the region today.

The Industrial Revolution

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Explores the rise of the Industrial Revolution in Europe, its spread to the U.S., and its economic, social, and technological influence on society.

The French Revolution, Napoleon, and the Republic

libert?, ?galit?, fraternit?
Explores the economic, political, and social environment leading up to the French Revolution, and focuses on Napoleon’s leadership in France.

The American Revolution

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Explores the political, military, and social events surrounding the American Revolution and the roles of the Founding Fathers and George Washington.
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