Anderson, Zachary

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Who are populists and what do they believe in?

A book for high school students about the political and economic ideologies of populists.

Ancient civilizations of western Asia and the Mediterranean

from the Hittites to the Phoenicians
Explores the ancient civilizations of Western Asia and the Mediterranean, from the Hittites to the Phoenicians to the resurgence of the Greek culture, and more.

The origins of civilization

from early humans to the Babylonians
Explores the origins of civilization from early humans to the Babylonians, the Megalithic period, the Bronze Age, the Kingdoms of Egypt, and more.

Ancient Greece

from tyranny to democracy
Explores the history of Ancient Greece, the roots of democracy, religion and mythology, the Golden Age of Athens, Greece's cultural legacy, and more.

Samuel de Champlain

exploring the Great Lakes
"Explore the life of Samuel de Champlain, the French navigator who founded the first settlement of New France in the New World"--Provided by the publisher.

John Cabot

searching for a westward passage to Asia
"Explore the voyage of John Cabot, the Italian navigator who explored Newfoundland for England in the search for a northwest passage to Asia"--Provided by the publisher.

Hern?n Cort?s

conquering the Aztec empire
"Discover the life of Spanish conquistador Hern?n Cort?s and his expedition to Mexico to conquer the mighty Aztec empire"--Provided by the publisher.

The rise of the Roman Empire

Few civilizations have been as large and successful as the Romans, but Rome wasn’t always the capital of an expanding empire. Explore the history of Rome from the city’s founding through its peak.

The fall of Rome and the rise of Constantinople

As the Roman Empire expanded, it became the target of barbarian attacks. After its collapse, the empire split, and a new empire, Constantinople (modern-day Turkey), rose in the east. Explore the history of Constantinople after the fall of Rome.
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