national emblems

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national emblems

American flag

An introduction to American symbols, focusing on the United States flag and its history.

O, say can you see?

America's symbols, landmarks, and inspiring words
Describes America's symbols, landmarks, important concepts, and significant leaders from 1620 to the present day.

Bald eagle

The story of our national bird
In the early days of American independence, government leaders tried to identify an animal that would represent the new nation. They settled on the bald eagle, a proud raptor that fiercely defends its nest and its family.

St. Louis Gateway Arch

St. Louis Gateway Arch is a tribute to Thomas Jefferson and the explorers and pioneers who shaped the American West. Located in St. Louis, Missouri, it stands 630 feet (189 m) high, making it the tallest monument in the United States. Included on the grounds of the arch are the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, and St. Louis' Old Courthouse.

Mount Rushmore

Carved into Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills of South Dakota, this American symbol was originally created to encourage people to visit the state. From the planning which began in 1923, to the completion of construction in 1941, this monument is one of our nation's greatest achievements.

The White House

Did you know that it took workers eight years to finish the White House? Construction began on October 13, 1792.

Star-Spangled Banner

Did you know that the United States National Anthem was written after the Battle of Baltimore? A lawyer named Francis Scott Key was inspired by the bravery of the American soldiers in the battle and wrote a poem about it.

Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell, which resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that's over 260 years old can be traced back to William Penn. Created to commemorate Penn's visionary work. It now stands as one of our nation's most valued symbols of peace, liberty, and freedom for all! Read all about the facts about this old, cracked bell that doesn't ring anymore!.

American flag

Describes the history of the American flag.

The presidential seal

Looks at the history and symbolism of the United States presidential seal.


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