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Discusses the importance of water for plant, animal, and human life, looks at how water is used, reviews the water cycle, and explains where water comes from, how it is cleaned, and the problem of pollution.

Our planet

Describes the physical features of Earth, such as rocks, mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes, caves, and rivers, and how they are formed.

Earthwise at play

a guide to the care & feeding of your planet
Provides information about various animals and plants and their interdependence and suggests activities that can help protect and preserve them.


Presents a study of the weather and the various climates around the world, the sun's influence on weather and seasons, the different weather patterns, and forecasting the weather.


Presents a study of the sun and how it affects the world, the birth and history of the sun, how the sun controls the weather and seasons, how humans use energy from the sun, and the sun in relation to the other planets in the solar system.

Earthwise at school

a guide to the care & feeding of your planet
Gives facts about the planet Earth and suggests various projects and activities to help protect the water, air, and land from pollution and destruction, with emphasis on making an action plan for local environmental improvement.

Earthwise at home

a guide to the care & feeding of your planet
Suggests activities that can help save the planet, including recycling, power conservation, and smart shopping.
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