mathematical ability

Topical Term
mathematical ability

Here's looking at Euclid

from counting ants to games of chance--an awe-inspiring journey through the world of numbers
Provides a global history of mathematics, spotlighting unusual stories pertaining to numbers and math that the author has found all over the world. Outlines an assortment of mathematical discoveries, revealing how they were found and the interesting uses they serve.

Feisty females

inspiring girls to think mathematically
Presents the findings of a research project conducted to discover why girls lose their edge in mathematics over the course of their school careers, and describes a literature-based approach for use with elementary students designed to keep girls interested and up-to-speed in math.

How math explains the world

a guide to the power of numbers, from car repair to modern physics
Discusses the many ways in which mathematics and science affect the twenty-first century world, which covers quantum mechanics, space-time, the chaos theory, and more, while explaining why garages never have cars repaired on time.


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