Johnson, David

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Old Mother Hubbard

a nursery rhyme
A retelling of the classic Mother Goose rhyme about the clever and contrary dog who preferred news to shoes, jigs to wigs, and cats to hats.

The boy who drew cats

An artistic boy's obsession with drawing cats leads him to a mysterious experience. Based on a legend about the Japanese artist Sessh?u T?oy?o.

The boy who drew cats

a Japanese folktale
An artistic young boy's love for drawing cats gets him into trouble and leads him to a mysterious experience. Based on a Japanese legend.

Decided on the battlefield

Grant, Sherman, Lincoln, and the election of 1864
Examines the events of 1864, the Lincoln versus McClellan election, and the U.S. Civil War battlefield campaigns of Generals Grant and Sherman.

Trapped in space

Stranded when their shuttlecraft crash lands while they are helping to explore a new planet, teen siblings Sammi and Jak are saved from deadly plants by intelligent beings who communicate primarily through shared feelings.

Snow sounds

an onomatopoeic story
A nearly-wordless book in which a young boy, eager to reach a much-anticipated holiday party on time, listens to the sounds of the shovel, snow plow, and other equipment used to clear his way.
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