Durant, Alan

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Dear Santa Claus

Holly writes a letter to Santa, and he responds and answers all her questions about his work and, ultimately, gives her a very special gift. Includes pull-out letters and other items.


next level
Mia is shocked when a video game cartridge found in a canal draws both her and her brother into a game experience that is very real--and very dangerous.


JP loves to play video games, but when he finds one he has never seen before in the window of a junk store, he is not prepared for how real some games can be.

Sports stories

A collection of sports stories by such authors as Enid Bagnold, P. G. Wodehouse, Ring Lardner, and Tessa Duder.

Always and forever

A family of forest animals learns to cope with the death of a loved one.

A dinosaur called Tiny

Unhappy about being the smallest of the young dinosaurs, Tiny discovers that his size has many advantages.

Big bad bunny

Big Bad Bunny learns a lesson about being nice after he tries to rob everyone is his little town.

That's not right!

After writing a simple story for school, Ellie encounters a series of characters who each tell their own version of what really happened the day a bug was almost stepped on.

Burger boy

Benny hates vegetables and eats nothing but hamburgers, until the day his mother's prediction proves true and he turns into a walking, talking--and running--burger.


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