ouvrages pour la jeunesse

Geographic Name
ouvrages pour la jeunesse

Factory girl

Twelve-year-old Emily must hold down her job working twelve-hour days in a garment factory in order to keep from starving. A story that includes historical interludes about the working conditions in factories at the turn of the century.
Cover image of Factory girl

Our new home

immigrant children speak
Presents the words and drawings of children from China, India, Russia, Argentina, Germany, and other countries, in which they describe their feelings about moving to Canada.

Shannen and the dream for a school

Presents the true story of Shannen Koostachin and the people of Attawapiskat First Nation, a Cree community in Northern Ontario, who have been fighting for a new school since 1979 when a fuel spill contaminated their original school building.

The sun


Canada on fire

the War of 1812
Chronicles the history and events in the War of 1812, describing Canadian men and women who fought against American troops, and discussing the battle at Lundy's Lane, the adventures of the Sea Wolves, and related topics.

Star power

Presents a biography of Fred "Cyclone" Taylor, a fast skater who became the first superstar in the early days of professional hockey and played for, among other teams, the Ottawa Senators and the Vancouver Millionaires.

Proud to be Inuvialuit =

Quviahuktunga inuvialuugama
James, who lives in the small town on Tuktoyuktuk in the Northwest Territories, goes on a trip with his daughter Rebecca to harvest beluga whales.

Our new home

immigrant children speak
Presents the words and drawings of children from China, India, Russia, Argentina, Germany, and other countries, in which they describe their feelings about moving to Canada.
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