islamic holidays

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islamic holidays

Eid al-Fitr

"Muslims across the globe celebrate Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. Why is this holiday so important? What foods are eaten to break the fast? What other traditions are part of this special time? Readers discover the answers to these questions as they explore the essential facts about Eid al-Fitr"--Provided by publisher.

Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr

a first look
"Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr celebrate faith and giving thanks . . . readers will learn all about these two holidays and how people celebrate them"--Provided by publisher.

The best Eid ever

After receiving gifts from her grandmother, Aneesa goes to the prayer hall to celebrate Eid and meets two refugee children who give her a greater appreciation of the holiday.

The gift of Ramadan

Sophie tries to fast for Ramadan for the first time, but her grumbling stomach and her little brother's cookies are too much and she must find a different way to celebrate.

Eid al-Adha

"Eid al-Adha is about celebrating! It is a Muslim festival remembering the sacrifice Ibrahim was willing to make. People mark the festival with prayer, visiting family, and gifts. Some people sacrifice an animal and share the meat with their community. Readers will discover how a shared holiday can have multiple traditions and be celebrated in all sorts of ways"--Provided by publisher.

Eid al-Adha

Introduces readers to the origins and celebratory traditions of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha, discussing Islam, Muhammad, the Hajj, sacrificing of animals, food, clothing, and other related topics.

Once upon an Eid

stories of hope and joy by 15 Muslim voices
". . . a collection of short stories that showcases the most brilliant Muslim voices writing today, all about the most joyful holiday of the year: Eid! Eid: The short, single-syllable word conjures up a variety of feelings and memories for Muslims. Maybe it's waking up to the sound of frying samosas and simmering pistachio kheer, maybe it's the pleasure of putting on a new outfit for Eid prayers, or maybe it's the gift giving and holiday parties to come that day. Whatever it may be, for those who cherish this day of celebration, the emotional responses may be summed up in another short and sweet word: joy. The anthology will also include a poem, graphic-novel chapter, and spot illustrations"--Provided by publisher.

A Muslim life

Introduces Islam, including information about beliefs and practices, history, holidays, influence today, and more.

Once upon an Eid

stories of hope and joy by 15 Muslim voices
". . . a collection of short stories that showcases the most brilliant Muslim voices writing today, all about the most joyful holiday of the year: Eid! Eid: The short, single-syllable word conjures up a variety of feelings and memories for Muslims. Maybe it's waking up to the sound of frying samosas and simmering pistachio kheer, maybe it's the pleasure of putting on a new outfit for Eid prayers, or maybe it's the gift giving and holiday parties to come that day. Whatever it may be, for those who cherish this day of celebration, the emotional responses may be summed up in another short and sweet word: joy. The anthology will also include a poem, graphic-novel chapter, and spot illustrations"--Provided by publisher.

Celebrate Ramadan & Eid al-Fitr

Describes the beliefs, rituals, and traditions associated with the Muslim holiday of Ramadam, a month-long celebration of faith, family, and community, and Eid al-Fitr, the culminating festival.


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