Royston, Angela

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Ocean food chains

Examines the characteristics and locations of the world's oceans, and takes a look at the various food chains that exist there, beginning with plankton and ending with top predators. Also discusses scavengers in the ocean, and how to protect food chains. Includes color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.
Cover image of Ocean food chains

Insects and crawly creatures

Brief text and photographs introduce the snail, spider, butterfly, bumblebee, grasshopper, ant, ladybug, and damselfly.
Cover image of Insects and crawly creatures

Hostile homes

extreme habitats
Looks at extreme environments around the world.
Cover image of Hostile homes

Why do I brush my teeth?

An introduction to dental hygiene that describes teeth, explains what causes tooth decay, discusses how to properly clean teeth and what makes them stronger, and includes related activities.

How to survive in the desert

Explores how to survive in a desert, including what to eat and drink, health and safety issues, and more.

50 things you should know about the human body

Text and illustrations present fifty things the reader should know about the human body.

Sir Isaac Newton

overlord of gravity
Describes the life of seventeenth-century English physicist, Sir Isaac Newton, who formulated the laws of gravity, force, and motion.

The Cassini mission

robots exploring Saturn and its moon Titan
"Scientists first started talking about sending a robot to orbit Saturn in the 1980s. However, it wasn't until 1997 that the Cassini Probe launched. Readers learn not only about how the probe was built, but also about the process of planning such an important, complicated endeavor. Full-color photographs and illustrations supplement the main contents explanation of what Cassini learned as it traveled around Saturn and the cool robotic features that collected data. With an emphasis on STEM careers and amazing new technology, readers are sure to want to explore more"

Robert Fulton and the steamboat

Describes the life and work of eighteenth-century inventor and businessman Robert Fulton, focusing on his development of the steamboat.

The science of heat

Heat can do some amazing things, like turn solids into liquids and liquids into gases. But how do these changes happen? This book helps readers understand how heat changes matter, what causes things to burn, and how these changes impact a vast number of objects in our world. Flowcharts filled with vivid photographs and interesting fact boxes visually bring to life the concepts of heat and the changing states of matter, turning readers into eager scientists!.


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