habitat conservation

Topical Term
habitat conservation

The great monkey rescue

saving the Golden lion tamarins
"A look at the plight of the golden lion tamarin for children."--Provided by publisher.

Snow leopards

This book looks at the habitat of the snow leopard and the threats to the species' survival. Listed are solutions that will help save these endangered animals from extinction.

30 million different insects in the rain forest

"Can you count the animal species found in the rainforest or the fish in the Amazon River? Find out all about the rainforest, including its extraordinary variety of plant and animal life, its peoples, its layered structure, and its role as an oxygen producer, as well as why it's so important to protect."--Provided by publisher.

Helping habitats

Describes how animals need habitats and how humans can hurt or help these habitats.

Endangered rain forests

investigating rain forests in crisis
"Discusses what rain forests are, their importance to humans and to the ecosystem, how humans are harming them, and what can be done to protect them"--Provided by publisher.

What are habitats & biomes?

Tundra, forests, and the ocean are just a few of the many types of biomes discussed in this volume, each with a discussion of the adaptations species living there have undergone to best fit their surroundings.

Urban sprawl

Readers will find out the effects of urban sprawl on habitats all over the world.


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