food industry and trade

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food industry and trade

Food safety

saving lives
"Grocery stores have vastly increased the convenience and availability of food shopping, but they have also made it easier for the average consumer to ignore the conditions their food is grown or raised in. Generally, it is only whena deadly outbreak of food-borne illness occurs that people scrutinize the food industry. Text, augmented with . . . charts and . . . fact boxes, provides a comprehensive guide to the history of food safety laws in the United States. Readers learn about the major food-borne diseases and what causes them, as well as the present and future state of food technologies in America"--Provided by publisher.
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a culinary artist
Chefs prepare some of the most memorable meals of our lives at restaurants and in other settings. They help is to celebrate birthdays, weddings, and many other life events, as well as simply enjoy a night out with family and friends. A career in the culinary arts is the perfect choice for those who are creative, enjoy experimenting with food, and like making people happy. In this book, you'll learn about job duties for chefs, how to prepare for culinary arts careers, key skills for success, methods of exploring culinary careers while in school, the employment outlook, and much more. Chef is just one of nine exciting titles in the Careers with Earning Potential series. Readers will discover seven fascinating careers that typically do not require a bachelor's degree, but provide a good middle-class income. In the other two titles, they will learn how to present themselves professionally in their job application materials and during the employment interview, as well as how to become invaluable in the workplace.
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The industrial food complex

Explore the controversies, challenges, and solutions involved in providing food in our world today.
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The food we eat

"Young readers will learn about the hidden problems in our food supply, including the use of chemicals like preservatives and dyes, the poor living conditions for animals that enter the food supply, and the easy access to unhealthy options instead of healthy foods. After learning about these issues, students are encouraged by Test It! and Solve It! activities to think critically and consider potential environmentally friendly, sustainable solutions for the future"--Provided by publisher.
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The industrial food complex

"Explore the controversies, challenges, and solutions involved in providing food in our world today"--Amazon.
Cover image of The industrial food complex

Who was H.J. Heinz?

Learn how this son of German immigrants from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, turned his small food-packaging company into a booming business known for its fair treatment of workers and pioneering safe food preparation standards.
Cover image of Who was H.J. Heinz?

Right this very minute

a table-to-farm book about food and farming
Explains how food is grown and harvested and describes the work of farmers.
Cover image of Right this very minute

Making our food sustainable

"How can eating better ourselves improve life for everyone on the planet? This . . . title combines images and infographics to help explain how choosing foods that don't have to be shipped long distances, don't add to world pollution, and are not in danger of running out helps to ensure the world's food supply. Close-up boxes and case studies illustrate . . . examples of topics such as soil protection, organic vs industrial farming, and overfishing"--Provided by publisher.

Eating promiscuously

adventures in the future of food
"[The author's] search for a more expansive palate leads him to those who are actively exploring the fringes of what we can eat, a group of outliers seeking nutrition innovation outside the industrial food system. Here, we meet insect manufacturers, seaweed harvesters, road kill foragers, plant biologists, and oyster farmers who seek to open both our minds and our mouths, and to overturn our most basic assumptions about food, health, and ethics"--OCLC.
Cover image of Eating promiscuously


Examines entrepreneurship in the urban food industry.
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