Arn?ez, Lynda

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Be a pro wrestler

Explains how to become a professional wrestler, and highlights the skills and education needed to succeed as a professional wrestler. Includes color photographs, a glossary, and additional resources.

Be a pro mountain biker

Briefly describes what it takes to become a professional mountain biker, detailing the practice involved, competitions, how to gain a sponsor, and promoting oneself on social media. Includes photographs, a list of mountain biking lingo and their meanings, further resources, and a glossary.

Learn about reading map keys

"Without a map key, some maps would not be able to be understood at all! The symbols found in the legend, or key, tell what resources a place has, how a country's borders have changed over the course of its history, and so much more. In this helpful book, readers are introduced to common map key symbols and learn how they can be used on all kinds of maps, from political to physical maps. Full-color examples of maps with simple keys help readers apply their new knowledge immediately"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Learn about reading map keys

Be a pro surfer

"For a professional surfer, there's nothing more important than chasing the waves. From Hawaii to New Zealand, these athletes are constantly on the move to find the best wave and compete in daring tournaments all over the world. It may seem glamourous, but pro surfing is hard, if rewarding. Readers dive into the world of pro surfing in this book, written with achievable main content perfect for reluctant or struggling readers. Full-color photographs accompany the text to show readers the beauty and uncertainty of the biggest waves around"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Be a pro surfer

Be a pro wrestler

A mix of theater, athletics, and a rock concert, there's nothing quite like going to a professional wrestling show. From the entrance music and pyrotechnics to high-flying, off-the-top-rope moonsaults, it's easy to see why kids would aspire to get into the business! This book takes even reluctant readers on the ride those who want to be pro wrestlers take through training, backyard wrestling, indie promotions, and of course, big companies like AEW and WWE. Inspirational stories of success are included throughout, accompanied by full-color photographs of some of today's greats of pro wrestling.
Cover image of Be a pro wrestler

My life as a pioneer

"Readers learn just how different life was for children on the frontier during the second half of the 19th century." --Provided by publisher.

My wagon train adventure

"Readers meet a young wagon train traveler and, through this first-person account, learn about life on the Oregon Trail."--Provided by publisher.
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