Agee, Jon

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The wall in the middle of the book

A knight who feels secure on his side of the wall that divides his book discovers that his side is not as safe as he thought, and the other side is not as threatening.
Cover image of The wall in the middle of the book


Nothing seems to go right for Eugene, even when he wins a free trip to Bermuda, but while he is stranded on a tiny, deserted island after being shipwrecked, a broken-winged parrot tells him how to build a boat so that they can both be rescued.
Cover image of Terrific

Lion lessons

"Learning to be a lion takes some serious lessons, but luckily, this kid has a teacher who is a real pro"--Provided by publisher.

Milo's hat trick

"Milo the Magnificent's magic act isn't so magnificent after all, until he meets a bear who teaches him the secret to the perfect hat trick"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Milo's hat trick

The return of Freddy Legrand

Go hang a salami! I'm a lasagna hog! and other palindromes

A collection of palindromes, sentences that read the same forward and backward.

Who ordered the jumbo shrimp?

Lion lessons

Learning to be a lion takes some serious lessons, but luckily, this kid has a teacher who is a real pro.

It's only Stanley

Very strange noises that keep awakening the Wimbledon family one night have an even stranger source.

Life on Mars

"A young astronaut is trying to find life on Mars, but he's made a very big oversight"--Provided by publisher.


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