customs and practices

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customs and practices

Jewish literacy

the most important things to know about the Jewish religion, its people, and its history
A compendium of 346 short chapters on essential trends, concepts, and personalities of Jewish history, religion, and culture.

366 readings of judaism

This is for people in the religious community who wish to broaden their spiritual outlook and seek spiritual wisdom.

Sammy Spider's first Shabbat

Sammy Spider watches longingly as the Shapiro family prepares to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, and when the day finally arrives, even he observes one of its customs.

The family treasury of Jewish holidays

Recounts the history and rituals of ten Jewish holidays, and includes related games, recipes, stories, songs, and crafts.

Islamic mosques

Presents an introduction Islamic mosques, in simple text with illustrations, describing what a mosque looks like inside and out, Ramadan, its festivals, special occasions, and worship.

The mouse in the matzah factory

A mouse observes wheat being harvested, ground into flour, mixed into dough, and baked into matzah.


the story of a Russian emigre boy
Traces the life of a twelve-year-old Jewish boy Zev Tsukerman, whose family moved to the United States from Odessa in the Soviet Union. Photographs capture the warmth of Zev's family and the faith that led them to a new life in America.

Stones for Grandpa

After a year of missing his grandfather and remembering things they did together, a young boy and his family unveil Grandpa's tombstone, place stones on it, and share stories, knowing the memories will never be lost.

A child's first book of Jewish holidays

Introduces Jewish days of celebration including Shabbat, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Tu Bi-Shevat, Purim, Passover, Lag B'omer, Shavuot, Tisha B'av, and Yom Ha-Atzmaut.

This is the matzah

Rhyming text and illustrations describe the activities of a young boy and his family as they celebrate Passover. Includes facts about the holiday.


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