
Topical Term


Presents an introduction to Islam, discussing the foundations of the religion, its similarities and differences with other monotheistic religions, the Qur'an, worship practices, holidays and cultural expressions, and other aspects of the belief system.
Cover image of Islam


the Muslim warrior who defended his people
An illustrated biography of twelfth-century Egyptian and Syrian leader Saladin, which describes the Muslim world at that time, Saladin's childhood and rise to power, his military prowess and chivalry, and the Crusades.
Cover image of Saladin

Sharing our homeland

Palestinian and Jewish children at summer peace camp
A collection of photographs that reveal the budding friendship of two Israeli children, one Jewish and the other Palestinian, showing how they were able to overcome their differences and the longstanding conflicts of the region to share and play during their summer at Camp Peace. Includes a glossary, map, and list of additional resources for the reader.
Cover image of Sharing our homeland

Growing up Muslim

understanding Islamic beliefs and practices
Describes what is like to be a Muslim, including what Muslims eat, how they pray, how they celebrate holidays, and explains the history of Islam.
Cover image of Growing up Muslim

Muslim child

a collection of short stories and poems
A collection of stories and poems about Muslim children from a variety of backgrounds, focusing on the celebration of holidays and practices of Islam.
Cover image of Muslim child


Explores the main beliefs, practices, and places of worship within the Islamic religion.

[A cup of mint tea]

A collection of Islamic short stories.

[A cup of mint tea]

A collection of Islamic short stories.

[A cup of mint tea]

A collection of Islamic short stories.


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