Whelan, Piper

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An introduction to gravity, covering what it is, how it influences Earth and the moon, and more. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

El viento

An introduction to wind, covering what it is, how it changes the earth, hurricanes, and more. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, qui zzes, and supplementary resources.

La gravedad

An introduction to gravity, covering what it is, how it influences Earth and the moon, and more. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.


Simple text and illustrations introduce banks, discussing who works there, why they are important and more.
Cover image of Bank


An introduction to gravity, covering what it is, how it influences Earth and the moon, and more.
Cover image of Gravity


Simple text and illustrations introduce young readers to museums, discussing the people who work there, why they are important and more.
Cover image of Museum

El viento

An introduction to wind, covering what it is, how it changes the earth, hurricanes, and more.
Cover image of El viento

El hielo

An introduction to ice, covering what it is, how it influences Earth, related dangers, and more.
Cover image of El hielo

La gravedad

An introduction to gravity, covering what it is, how it influences Earth and the moon, and more.
Cover image of La gravedad

El agua

An introduction to water, covering where it is found, how it shapes the earth, the water cycle, and more.
Cover image of El agua


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