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The catcher in the rye

Includes a brief biography of J. D. Salinger, thematic and structural analysis of "The Catcher in the Rye", critical views, and more. Includes teacher notes.


An exploration of water as a basic need, covering how plants and animals use it and water pollution.

The Iroquois

Text and color photographs explore the Iroquois way of life, covering homes, clothing, religion, language, arts, and more.


An introduction to amphibians, covering life cycle, reproduction, traits, and more.


Looks at the history of outstanding African Americans in their careers, focusing on athletes.


Explores all facets of oil as a natural resource, investigating its natural history, human uses, technology, environmental impact, and more.

Natural gas

Explores all facets of natural gas resources, investigating the natural history, human use, technology, environmental impact, and more.


An introduction to forest evolution that describes renewable and nonrenewable resources, and discusses the importance, management, and conservation of forest resources.


Explores all facets of coal as a natural resource, investigating its natural history, human use, technology, environmental impact, and more.


Provides and overview of energy use in the United States, discussing what energy resources are used, their importance and more.
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