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George Washington

Text and photographs look at the life and career of Revolutionary War hero and first United States president George Washington.

Games we play

Simple text and photographs look at different games from around the world.


Teaches young learners the value of fairness, including taking turns and sharing, treating others well, and following rules.

The dentist

Looks at the role of denists in a community, explaining what they do and why they are important.

Clothes we wear

Simple text and photographs look at different clothes from around the world.


Teaches young learners the importance of being a good citizen by helping out neighbors and other areas of the community, obeying the laws, and learning about voting.


Describes caring as a virtue and suggests ways in which caring can be shown, such as recycling, donating to charity, helping others, and listening.

Goliath beetles

Text and photographs look at goliath beetles.


Text and photographs look at dragonflies.


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