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Simple text and photographs introduce young readers to a library, discussing the parts of a library, who the librarian is, why libraries are important, and more. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.


Simple text and photographs introduce young readers to a hospital. Includes eBook with print content as well as audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

The fire station

Simple text and photographs introduce young readers to a fire station. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Moto X

An introduction to the sport of motocross that covers equipment, competition qualification, tricks, stars, and other related topics. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Lincoln Memorial

An introduction to American symbols, focusing on the Lincoln Memorial and its history.
Cover image of Lincoln Memorial

The World Cup

Offers a brief history of the World Cup, describing how the sporting event has evolved, how teams qualify to play in the Series, what the rules are, and who the most memorable players have been.
Cover image of The World Cup

The Super Bowl

A brief overview of the history and development of the Super Bowl, qualification requirements, rules of the game, and highlights of Super Bowl's most memorable players and moments.
Cover image of The Super Bowl


Text and photographs look at cows.
Cover image of Cows


Simple text and illustrations introduce young readers to the pterodactyl.
Cover image of Pterodactyl


Simple text and illustrations introduce young readers to the deinonychus dinosaur.
Cover image of Deinonychus


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