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El sol

An introduction to the sun, describing what it is made of,its influence on the Earth, its place in the solar system, and more.
Cover image of El sol

Las rocas sedimentarias

Describes the formation and characteristics of sedimentary rocks.
Cover image of Las rocas sedimentarias

Las rocas metam?rficas

Provides an overview of metamorphic rocks including how they are formed, where they are found, their characteristics, history, significance, and uses.
Cover image of Las rocas metam?rficas

Las rocas ?gneas

Text and photographs look at igneous rocks.
Cover image of Las rocas ?gneas

La primavera

Text and photographs look at the season of spring.
Cover image of La primavera

Las praderas

Presents a short study of grasslands, covering where they are located, plants and wildlife, and more.
Cover image of Las praderas

Los pollos

Text and photographs introduce facts about chickens.
Cover image of Los pollos

Los par?sitos

An introduction to parasites that describes different types of parasites, discusses where they live and risks they face, and explains their place in a food chain.
Cover image of Los par?sitos

Los pantanos

A short study of the various types of wetlands, covering bogs, fens, marshes, and swamps and discussing where they are located, plants and wildlife, endangered animals, and efforts to protect it.
Cover image of Los pantanos

El oto?o

Text and photographs look at the season of fall.
Cover image of El oto?o


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