electronic books

electronic books

Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus

A monster assembled by a scientist from parts of dead bodies develops a mind of his own as he learns to loathe himself and hate his creator.


Presents the story of a young woman who devotes her energies to matchmaking and finds herself unprepared when romance finds her.


In the mountains of Transylvania, Jonathan Harker, meets his latest client, the wealthy Count Dracula. In a few days he sees the sinister side and true nature of Dracula.

A doll's house

Presents a play about a women struggling for independence from those around her.

The divine comedy

paradise from the vision of hell, purgatory, and paradise
An epic poem in which the poet describes his visionary spiritual journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise which results in a purification of his religious faith.

David Copperfield

Details the adventures of a young Victorian boy who runs away from his cruel stepfather to live with his eccentric aunt in London.

The complete works of William Shakespeare

Presents William Shakespeare's plays and poems.


The classical satire that traces the misadventures of Candide who is shipwrecked, robbed, tortured, and separated from his love without losing his will to live a happy life.

The call of the wild

The adventures of an unusual dog, part St. Bernard, part Scotch shepherd, that is forcibly taken to the Klondike gold fields where he eventually becomes the leader of a wolf pack.

The awakening and selected short stories

Tells of a woman's desire for an affair with the son of a Louisiana resort owner whom she meets on vacation. Includes a selection of short stories, including "Beyond the Bayou," "A Respectable Woman," and "A Pair of Silk Stockings.".


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