Bearing witness: genocide and ethnic cleansing in the modern world

Compare Series: 

The Nazi Regime and the Holocaust

This book offers readers insight into Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust.
Cover image of The Nazi Regime and the Holocaust

The Rwandan genocide

This book reviews one of the most horrible genocides in history, with a focus on the events that led to those terrible days.
Cover image of The Rwandan genocide

The Darfur genocide

This book offers a look into the country’s history and the events that led up to the violence of February 2002, when Africans staged a rebellion against the Arab-controlled government of Sudan.

Genocide in Armenia

"Around 1915, the Young Turks viewed Turkish Armenians as dangerous conspirators, so it endeavored to force thousands of them from their homes. They were massacred or marched to death. When all was said and done, between 600,000 and 1,500,000 Armenians died. This informative book offers a historical backdrop on the events that transpired to result in the Armenian genocide. Readers will learn about what happened during the genocide and in its aftermath, as well as get a closer look at how this period in Armenian history is viewed from a modern-day perspective"

The Bosnian War and ethnic cleansing

"The Bosnian War (1992-1995) involved ferocious killing among a trio of the region's major ethnic groups: Serbs, Croats, and Muslims. By the war's end, as many as 26,000 Muslim civilians had been systematically murdered. This ... resource offers a unique look at those terrifying events, including highlighting three possible perspectives on the war and the confusion these different perspectives can cause, even years later. Readers will also benefit from a review of Bosnia's history and the events that culminated in this gruesome time"

Canada's First Nations and cultural genocide

"For more than 100 years, Canada's First Nations, Inuits, and Metis people endured an educational system designed to essentially remove all evidence of their native identities. Children were mistreated and stripped of their identities as they were educated in the ways of a nation that wanted no trace of the Indian. This insightful resource provides a history of Canada and outlines the development of attitudes that resulted in the residential education system, as well as a glimpse into the experiences of children who made it through. Readers will also learn about efforts to help a nation continue to heal"
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