mayflower (ship)

mayflower (ship)

Why did the pilgrims come to the New World

and other questions about the Plymouth Colony
Discusses the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the Pilgrims arrival in the New World, describing why they left England, what challenges they encountered upon their arrival, and related topics. Includes instructions for a related activity, a time line, and additional resources.

Constance and the dangerous crossing

a Mayflower survival story
In 1620 an orphaned fifteen-year-old servant girl joins Separatists seeking religious freedom and others aboard the Mayflower as they undertake a perilous journey to the New World.
Cover image of Constance and the dangerous crossing

Graphic stories of early America

Many of the historical narratives from early America are fraught with peril and uncertainty, but they also provide a glimpse into the courage and determination of the people who helped found our nation. Readers are sure to be dazzled by these colorful and dramatic retellings of key events in early American history. Stories include the struggles of the Pilgrims as they crossed an ocean to seek religious freedom, a tale of the first Thanksgiving, and the story of Pocahontas and John Smith. Students will enjoy learning about American history, while the colorful illustrations draw in readers and aid in comprehension of these essential topics.
Cover image of Graphic stories of early America

Science on the Mayflower

Discusses how science helped the Pilgrims make the journey across the ocean and build a new home for themselves in the New World.

Mayflower Compact

"The Mayflower Compact was the first written framework for a government set up in the United States. Readers explore the history of this document through accessible main text, graphic organizers, and sidebars. Historical images, including carefully selected primary sources, allow readers to gain a stronger understanding of the events surrounding the signing of the Mayflower Compact"

Constance and the dangerous crossing

a Mayflower survival story
In 1620 an orphaned fifteen-year-old servant girl joins Separatists seeking religious freedom and others aboard the Mayflower as they undertake a perilous journey to the New World.

Aboard the Mayflower

Discusses what life was like on the Mayflower.

Sailing on the Mayflower

a this or that debate
In September 1620, 102 brave travelers and their crew stepped upon a ship called the Mayflower in England. Most were members of a religious group now known as the Pilgrims. They were bound for North America to start a new life. They endured many hardships and made many tough choices. Now the choices are yours. Would you rather suffer from seasickness or from skin sores caused by scurvy? Would you rather have been a crew member navigating the ship in stormy seas or cramped into the living quarters just along for the tumultuous ride? It's your turn to pick this or that.

The Mayflower

"Myths about the Mayflower and the Pilgrim's arrival in modern-day America debunked"--Provided by the publisher.

The Mayflower

"Myths about the Mayflower and the Pilgrim's arrival in modern-day America debunked"--Provided by publisher.


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