picture books

picture books

Old Mother Hubbard

Light-hearted illustrations accompany this version of the familiar nursery rhyme about an old woman and her playful dog.

What's the weather?

"Seasons, precipitation, wind, clouds, storms, climate change, and other weather-related phenomena are explained for young readers. Includes glossary"--Provided by publisher.

Sometimes I kaploom

"Katie Honors is a really brave kid. She can go to bed with just one small night light. She can hold her tears in when it's time to say goodbye to her mom at school. But sometimes Katie isn't ready to say goodbye and doesn't feel brave at all. When this happens, she Kaplooms! She refuses to let go of her mom, and everything is flurried as she begins to cry. Her emotions feel frightening. It's not the Katie Honors she wants to be. But her mother assures Katie that she can be both brave and sad, brave and crying, brave and scared"--Provided by publisher.

Errol's garden

"Errol loves gardening, but he doesn't have a real garden. Although his home is full of beautiful plants, he longs for an outdoor space where he can grow things. A chance discovery leads to a solution, but Errol can't do everything on his own. Luckily, help is near at hand"--Provided by publisher.

Poppleton every day

Poppleton the pig goes stargazing, tries out a new bed before he buys it, and goes sailing for the first time.

Elephant learns to share

a book about sharing
Elephant does not like to share his toys, games, or snacks--but when he gets a new bat and ball he realizes that it is no fun trying to play with them by himself, so he asks his grandmother how he can make amends with his friends.

Flamingo is brave

a book about feeling scared
Flamingo is scared of many things, such as spiders, the dark, and getting lost, but his grandfather shows him how to be brave, and Flamingo explains his fears to his friends so they can all be brave together.

Croc needs to wait

a book about patience
Croc always rushes ahead with whatever she is doing, whether it is waiting for her turn or doing her sums; frequently things go wrong, and projects are messed up--but when her teacher explains the importance of patience, Croc resolves to do better.

Charlotte and the Nutcracker

the true story of a girl who made ballet history
"A picture book that weaves together Charlotte Nebres's life story as a young ballerina with the classic holiday tale of the Nutcracker"--Provided by publisher.


"As the war comes closer to her house in the woods, Varenka and the refugees living with her pray for a protective wall to surround the house"--OCLC.


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