picture books

picture books

Second grade holdout

Missing the familiarity of first grade and imagining the impossible tasks assigned by his next teacher, a boy refuses to start second grade.

Annie and Simon

Recounts three adventures of Annie, her big brother Simon, and their dog Hazel as they bake muffins, look at items from when Annie was a baby, and help Theo find his favorite toy.

Princess Truly in I am Truly

"Princess Truly's rhyming adventures are a celebration of individuality, girl power, diversity, and dreaming big!"-- Provided by publisher.

Double take!

a new look at opposites
A boy and an elephant experience oppositesa as they spend a day in the city.

The koala who could

"Kevin is a koala who clings to his tree, and never comes down to play with the other animals--until one day his tree falls down, and Kevin learns that the ground is not as scary as he believed"--Provided by publisher.

I am peace

a book of mindfulness
A young girl shares ways she is mindful and how it helps promote peace in her life.

The doctor with an eye for eyes

the story of Dr. Patricia Bath
"As a girl coming of age during the Civil Rights Movement, Patricia Bath made it her mission to become a doctor. When obstacles like racism, poverty, and sexism threatened this goal, she persevered--brightening the world with a game-changing treatment for blindness!"--Dust jacket.

How to get your teacher ready

Explains how to help your teacher get ready for events in the school year.

The I'm not scared book

Relates the things that can frighten children and how these fears may be overcome.

In the middle of fall

"Introduces concepts and vocabulary of fall--autumn colors, changes in plants and animals... and wind, which soon leads to the next season"--Provided by publisher.


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