McPherson, Eddie

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Acting Can Be Murder

A backstage Mystery-Comedy in Two Acts

Shoestring Theatre

Sanders is very upset. The budget that is to fund his opening show of the new theatre season is being cut by 80%. This particular play is to be an epic retelling of the "timeless" classic, "Cinderella", an expensive show that includes grand costumes, elaborate sets, and high-priced special effects. But how is he expected to pull off such a spectacle with partically no money?.

Shoestring Theatre

Sanders is very upset. The budget that is to fund his opening show of the new theatre season is being cut by 80%. This particular play is to be an epic retelling of the "timeless" classic, "Cinderella", an expensive show that includes grand costumes, elaborate sets, and high-priced special effects. But how is he expected to pull off such a spectacle with partically no money?.

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