study guides

study guides

AP environmental science

A guide for preparing to take the Advanced Placement environmental science exam, with full-length practice tests and answer key.
Cover image of AP environmental science

AP European history

A guide to taking the Advanced Placement European History exam that provides sample tests based on actual AP exams, and strategies for the test.
Cover image of AP European history

AP chemistry, 2018

Provides tips and strategies to prepare for the Advanced Placement Chemistry exam, detailing a five-step study plan, and providing a diagnostic test, two practice exams, experiments, and reviews on basic concepts, stoichiometry, gases, thermodynamics, spectroscopy, bonding, colligative properties, kinetics, electrochemistry, organic chemistry, and more. Includes single-user online access code to access two additional exams and other content.
Cover image of AP chemistry, 2018

AP English language, 2018

A guide to taking the Advanced Placement English Language exam that provides a five-step plan for studying, sample tests based on actual AP exams, and hundreds of tips and strategies for the test.
Cover image of AP English language, 2018

AP U.S. government & politics, 2018

Presents study tools for the Advanced Placement U.S. Government and Politics exam in a five-step plan, providing a diagnostic exam, subject reviews and exercises, tips and strategies, and sample tests with explained answers.
Cover image of AP U.S. government & politics, 2018

AP computer science A

A study guide for the Advanced Placement computer science A test that includes topic overviews, two full-length practice tests, detailed answer explanations, a diagnostic test to identify strengths and weaknesses, and test-taking tips.
Cover image of AP computer science A

AP environmental science crash course

A review for the AP Environmental Science exam covering life on Earth and the impact of humans on the environment.
Cover image of AP environmental science crash course

AP English language and composition

A guide to preparing for the Advanced Placement exam in English language and composition, featuring an overview of the test, a diagnostic exam, test-taking strategies, and practice tests with answers.
Cover image of AP English language and composition

AP calculus

A study guide for the Advanced Placement exam in calculus that includes full-length practice tests, detailed answer explanations, and topic overviews.
Cover image of AP calculus

Barron's AP psychology

A guide to preparing for the Advanced Placement exam in psychology, featuring an overview of the test, study tips, topic reviews, and four full-length practice exams with answers and explanations.
Cover image of Barron's AP psychology


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