instructional and educational works

instructional and educational works

Equity in the classroom

what it looks like and how to achieve it : essays from 10 educational leaders
"Education leaders from around the country share their thoughts through essays that explore topics such as: how to achieve equity for all students; creating equity awareness in teachers; working with families and communities to close the opportunity gap; setting high expectations to raise academic achievement; and more"--Provided by publisher.

Copyright for schools

a practical guide
"[This book] makes legal concepts related to United States copyright law understandable to educators. A staple on reference shelves, it has now been updated with . . . court rulings and technology applications"--Provided by publisher.

P.S.-- we made this

super fun crafts that grow smarter + happier kids!
Contains a collection of eighty-five craft, science, and cooking projects that help develop cognitive, physical, and social-emotional skills. Features illustrations, numbered instructions, and icons representing key skills.

Classroom management for school librarians

"This book helps school librarians establish a positive classroom environment and engage students when communicating with and teaching K-12 students"--Provided by publisher.

Stories, songs, and stretches!

creating playful storytimes with yoga and movement
"... shows how to use yoga and movement to create playful, active storytimes ..."--Amazon.

The educator's guide to LGBT+ inclusion

a practical resource for K-12 teachers, administrators, and school support staff
"Setting out best practices and professional guidance for creating LGBT inclusive learning in schools, this authoritative guidebook for K-12 teachers provides advice on implementing alterations and updates to policies, curriculums, behaviors and learning environments for LGBT youth in the American education system. This book features real-life situations and scenarios, a glossary, and further resources. It enables professionals in a variety of school roles to integrate foundational concepts into their everyday interactions with students, families, and staff to create an overall school culture that reinforces a welcoming, inclusive, and affirming environment for all"--Provided by publisher.

Formative tools for leaders in a PLC at work?

assessing, analyzing, and acting to support collaborative teams
"In Formative Tools for Leaders in a PLC: Assessing, Analyzing, and Acting to Support Collaborative Teams, authors Kim Bailey and Chris Jakicic provide school leaders with tools and strategies to gauge the work of teams in implementing the professional learning community (PLC) process. Using the three stages of assessing, analyzing, and acting as a feedback loop, leaders examine the current reality of their schools along with major indicators of PLCs. The authors offer guidance for gathering evidence from school teams, processes, and artifacts and using data to inform and support areas that need improvement and celebrate those that are doing well. By reading this book, K-12 leaders will learn how to use a formative process to improve their schoolwide PLC practices"--Provided by publisher.

Social emotional learning and the brain

strategies to help your students thrive
"Brain expert Marilee Sprenger explains how applying neuroscience to social-emotional learning yields strategies that create supportive classroom environments and improve outcomes for all students"--Provided by publisher.

Future-focused learning

10 essential shifts of everyday practice
A guide to holistic education covering personalized learning, process-oriented learning, mindful assessment, and more.

Taking social-emotional learning schoolwide

the formative five success skills for students and staff
"This book shows how educators can leverage school culture to implement social-emotional learning and cultivate the Formative Five success skills in the classroom and school"--Provided by publisher.


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