A zany but well-meaning cat brings a cheerful, exotic, and exuberant form of chaos to a household of two young children one rainy day while their mother is out.
A young girl wants to fly like a witch on a broom, and one special night, through enormous effort and with the help of her brother, her black cat, and an owl, she fulfills her dream.
Rhyming text accompanied by illustrations describes how animals belong in their different habitats while young children have a place in the world just for them and the people who love them.
A boy and his grandmother know just how to make use of a good breeze--they grab the boy's kite and head outside. However, soon the breeze gives way to a wind, the kite gets loose, and the boy and grandmother will have to catch it before the storm rolls in.
Simple rhyming text accompanies colorful illustrations featuring animals that can be found along and in the rivers of North America, like muskrats, dragonflies, and frogs.
Through repetitive text and color illustrations, a variety of animal parents illustrate how they tuck their little ones into bed from rabbits and dogs, to bears and dragonflies.
A rhyming story that encourages children to get outside and play with mud, sand, leaves, and snow. And when they come inside with bits of the outside on them, they're encouraged to clean it up.