

Sam Houston

Texas hero
Presents a biography Sam Houston, the first president of the Texas republic, and chronicles his childhood in Virginia, life among the Native Americans in Tennessee, service during the War of 1812, and involvement in the Texas war for Independence.
Cover image of Sam Houston


Tells the extraordinary story behind the rise of Barack Obama in this picture book form.
Cover image of Barack

Hillary Clinton

An introduction to the life and career of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Cover image of Hillary Clinton

Blacklisted by history

the untold story of Senator Joe McCarthy and his fight against America's enemies
The author relies on recently published government records and FBI files to reveal the myths surrounding Joseph McCarthy and his political campaign to uncover Communist sympathizers in America during the 1950s.
Cover image of Blacklisted by history

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Presents a brief biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton, and includes information on her early life in the suburbs of Chicago, her school and college life, how she met Bill Clinton, and her continuing political career.

Barack Obama

son of promise, child of hope
Full-color illustrations and easy-to-follow text presents a narrative description of the life of President Barack Obama, beginning with his childhood in Hawaii, his family, his education, and professional achievements.

Joe Biden

Examines the life and accomplishments of Joe Biden, a U.S. senator from Delaware who was elected the forty-seventh Vice President of the United States.


This book gets to the root of the impeachment process, with facts about its origins in medieval England, its place in the U.S. Constitution, and instances where impeachment proceedings have been launched in American history.
Cover image of Impeachment

Kamala Harris

Recounts the life and political career of California senator and presidential candidate Kamala Harris.
Cover image of Kamala Harris

Elections and voting

Readers are presented with facts about the origins of the election system, how elections have changed over the years, and how elections currently function.
Cover image of Elections and voting


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