Meiners, Cheri J.

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Feel Confident!

a book about self-esteem
Text and illustrations encourage children in different situations to be confident in life.

Bounce Back!

a book about reslience
Introduces young readers to positive thinking and patience through the situations and problems a girl encounters.

Cool down and work through anger =

C?lmate y supera la ira
A young boy, angry about incidents at school, thinks about the different ways he can help himself cool down and work through his problems.

Stand tall!

a book about integrity
The idea of "standing tall" by showing integrity forms of a foundation for young children's character development. Integrity helps children stand up for others and for themselves, be trustworthy and dependable, and make wise choices. It empowers children to do what they believe is right, even when it's difficult.

Grow strong!

a book about healthy habits
Includes back matter for caregivers, educators, and parents.

Understand and care

Explores how one can understand other people's feelings and how to be a good friend to someone who is feeling happy or sad. Includes questions to discuss, additional information for adults, and activities.
Cover image of Understand and care

Share and take turns

Explains what sharing means and provides examples of different ways that two people can share what they both want, such as taking turns, dividing things, or playing together. Includes information and extension activities for parents or teachers.
Cover image of Share and take turns

Accept and value each person

A young girl learns to recognize and appreciate the uniqueness qualities of the world's different people.

Reach out and give

Simple words and illustrations encourage children to do their part to make the world a better place, focusing on the concept of gratitude.

Stand tall!

a book about integrity
Counsels young children about the value of integrity, providing themed activity suggestions while explaining how to discern right from wrong, make positive decisions, keep promises and stay true to themselves.
Cover image of Stand tall!


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