
Topical Term

Twice upon a time

stories to tell, retell, act out, and write about
A collection of twenty traditional folktales for use with children between the ages of eight and twelve.

Interactive whiteboards

Discusses how interactive whiteboards are made and how they end up in schools and offices around the world.

What Marion taught Willis

and What Marion taught Willis
Presents information on the Dewey decimal system, with the story of Marion Hedgehog, who during Mr. Owens career day class, wants to be a librarian. Includes a story and a second volume of Dewey decimal worksheet exercises.

What is a teacher?

Simple text and photographs depict people engaged in activities that embody the qualities of a teacher.

Easy mini-lessons for building vocabulary

Describes a series of mini-lessons and activities designed to introduce vocabulary learning strategies to students in grades four through eight, each with photographs, samples of student work, and classroom dialogues.

Using picture books to teach writing with the traits

an annotated bibliography of more than 150 mentor texts with teacher-tested lessons
Describes how to use picture books to teach writing for children in kindergarten to grade two focusing on writing ideas, organization, voice, and word choice. Also discusses how to develop world fluency for primary students, how to strengthen conventions, and how to highlight a presentation.

Liven up your library

creative & inexpensive programming ideas
Contains lesson plans, material lists, assessment tools, extension ideas, and reproducible pages for inexpensive and creative units for teaching children in kindergarten through fifth grade about the library.

Cinderella outgrows the glass slipper and other zany fractured fairy tale plays

Contains the scripts for five funny plays based on traditional fairy tales, featuring character roles written at a variety of reading levels, and includes related writing activities, book links, and graphic organizers.


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