children's television programs

children's television programs

The chess mess

It's Alice Day! It's Alice Day! Callooh! Callay! Hooray! Learn about challenges and determination and self-esteem, read classics. Featuring the short "E" sound.

The fox and the crow

The two pigeons, Walter and Clay, want "The fox and the crow" banned from the library because they think the book makes birds look like birdbrains. Learn about animal stories and writing stories and poems, read Aesop's fables. Featuring the short "o" sound.

The last cliff hanger

Lionel is very unhappy because author Livingston Dangerously has written The Last Cliffhanger. Learn about writing short stories and poems, reading original stories. Featuring the short "A" sound.

Oh, yes, it can!

Can yams, gloves, and hammers talk? Oh, yes, they can! Learn about African tales and imagination, read folk tales. Featuring the short "A" sound.

Pebble trouble

Leona is under a table and won't come out. Learn about facing fears and family relationships. Featuring the short "E" sound.

The magic school bus

Contains episodes of "The Magic School Bus," in which Ms. Frizzle takes her class into outer space to learn about the solar system, space rocks, and gravity.

The magic school bus

Contains four episodes that follow Ms. Frizzle and her class on their science adventures aboard the magic school bus, including a trip to the solar system to buy Dorothy Ann a real star for her birthday.

Daniel Tiger's neighborhood

An animated program for preschoolers ages two to four which builds on the pioneering PBS series, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. Through imagination, creativity, and music, Daniel and his friends learn the key social skills necessary for school and for life.

Daniel Tiger's neighborhood

Collects episodes in which Daniel Tiger and his friends learn how to deal with everyday experiences.

Stop that chicken!

starring the short "O" sound
It's poultry in motion when a chicken flies out of her book into the library. Read easy readers and original stories. Featuring the short "O" sound.


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