musical films

musical films

Preacher's kid

Angie is the daughter of a stern but loving bishop. She becomes attracted to the hunky star of a traveling gospel show. They decide to hit the road, and head straight into romance. But life on the road isn't what it seems and the actor's ongoing lies and abuse eventually trigger an epiphany for her, sending the prodigal daughter home to the father and the keyboardist that love her.


Pocahontas II : journey to a new world
Young Pocahontas must bridge the gap between her tribe and the settlers of Jamestown.

The music man

A con man in the guise of a traveling salesman gets off the train in River City, Iowa. He convinces the town and the town librarian to finance a children's marching band instead of a pool hall.

La vie en rose

A dramatic retelling of the life of Edith Piaf, considered one of the great performers of France. Raised in a brothel, taken to work in a circus by her father, and eventually abandoned by her parents, she spent her teen years on the streets. Eventually "rescued" by a crime figure who gives her career a start, she makes her way to international success, despite recurring frailty, illness, wild moods, drug and alcohol problems.

The greatest showman

An original musical screenplay brings to life the story of P.T. Barnum and his creation of "the greatest show on Earth". Rising from nothing, P.T. sets out to make a better life for his family. His creativity and drive take him on an fantastic journey beyond what he or anyone else could have imagined. In the end he creates a magical experience that will be enjoyed and celebrated by generations to come.

Chitty chitty bang bang

Eccentric inventor Caractacus Potts creates an extraordinary car called Chitty chitty bang bang. It not only drives--but also flies and floats--as it leads him, his two children and his beautiful lady friend, Truly Scrumptious into a magical world of pirates, castles and adventure. There, the group encounter a host of unforgettable characters, including Baron Bomburst of Vulgaria, his persnickety wife, a lovable village toymaker and an evil child catcher.
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