biblical teaching

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biblical teaching

Taking back astronomy

the heavens declare creation

God's wisdom for little boys

Short verses based on proverbs from the Bible provide examples of how to live as God wants us to, by doing such things as sharing toys, being friendly, and helping around the house.


using ancient wisdom to launch and live your dreams
There's a new breed of entrepreneur emerging in the business world. One who is interested in promoting their deepest personal and spiritual beliefs, as well as their products and services. They are the ones who launch a business that not only showcases their talents, but also benefits others. Laurie Beth Jones, the best-selling author of Jesus CEO, calls this new breed of leaders "Spiritreneurs", and has dedicated this book to keeping their dreams alive.The ultimate role model for the Spiritreneur is Jesus Christ, whose leadership style as told in the Bible, incorporated His talents, gifts, and His desire to do well by doing right. According to the author, you are a "Spiritreneur" when you are committed to establishing a business that is a true reflection of your spiritual and personal beliefs. In the coaching profession we call this `authenticity", that which is a true reflection of oneself. Using Christ as the focal point, we learn how to become real Spiritreneurs. What did He do that made Him the most successful entrepreneur and leader in the world? A few important facets of His life are covered int his book:He heeded the call to Spiritreneurship, During the early days He established His identity. He was a Visionary.

Luke: historian and theologian

There has been a growing awareness of the qualities of Luke as a historian and in this book Marshall demonstrates that Luke's theology, which he summarizes as "the theology of salvation," is at least of equal stature and importance with his carefully compiled history.

Seasons of friendship

Naomi and Ruth as a pattern
Seasons of Friendship is a study of the Book of Ruth, of the relationship between Naomi, an aged widow, and Ruth, her young daughter-in-law, also a widow. The author takes us through their relationship, using the metaphor of the changing seasons to describe the changes in their lives and relationship.The author also uses examples from her own life, and encourages the reader to examine his/her own life, to discover the changing seasons and the cycle of life. As the stories unfold, an understanding of the nature of friendship evolves, so that the reader begins to understand which friends have helped most at different times, and how better to be a friend to others at different stages of their lives.

Love commands in the New Testament

Dr. Perkins in her always lucid yet comprehensive and profound scholarly manner explains the central teaching of Jesus Christ, to love one another, and explores several aspects of that historical and theological phenomenom. She sets the historical and sociological context in which such commands emerge, and she discovers such a commandment and commissioning not so unusual in the time and place of Jesus, as it draws not only form the Old Testament, including the decalogue, but also from the hellenistic code of ethics widespread across the eastern Mediterranean, including the region of the childhood home of Jesus in northern Israel. We today now find it most odd and unheard of that Jesus commands us to love one another, including loving our own enemies and doing good to those who harm and insult us. It strikes us as oddly as reading the Bill of Rights as a central document of our government. But indeed the central comandment of our faith is to Love one another, including our own enemies.

Sin, salvation, and the spirit

commemorating the fiftieth year of the Liturgical Press
Twent-seven American Scripture scholars comment in a pastoral and popular vein.

In my father's house

A compelling true-life family saga about the members of the Brunson family. Boldly captures the pain of every family member and one sister's triumph over years of abuse and divorce in the house they all grew up in.


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